
United Way of Western Connecticut is deeply concerned about the separation of young immigrant children from their parents. It is hard to imagine a more vulnerable person than a child who may be fleeing violence and oppression in their home country. It is unconscionable to further victimize such a child by taking them from their parents. That is simply not who we are as a nation.

United Way is a non-partisan, non-political organization and believes that Americans must work together to find an immediate solution to this urgent matter.



Post date: Friday, June 22, 2018 - 12:24pm

This is Martha. Martha lives alone in a one-room apartment. She has a small monthly income and suffers from complicated health issues that prevent her from getting out of the house.  Due to her limitations, she is unable to obtain or prepare food for herself. But, a gift from United Way’s Giving Fund has now provided Martha with home-delivered meals for one year!    “I am so grateful for the meals. I was embarrassed to ask for help but I’m so happy I did,” Martha says, “I never could have made it through the winter if United Way was not here to help me in...
Post date: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - 4:15pm

This is Sandra. Sandra is a grandmother raising her granddaughter Ella, and she recently lost her job. Ella is 7 years old and she loves karate. Sandra had been saving for months to afford the classes but with the mounting bills and a very limited income, Sandra realized her only option would be to sideline Ella from starting karate this Spring. But, with the help of United Way’s ALICE Enrichment Fund, she now could.   “I just registered Ella for three months of karate,” says Sandra, “without the Alice Enrichment Fund, this would never have been possible....
Post date: Monday, June 11, 2018 - 4:48pm

This is Brandon. Brandon takes five every month to provide the families at our Mobile Food Pantry in Northern Fairfield County with fresh lemonade and water, as they wait their turn to get groceries. His vibrant smile and personality lights up the room. As a thank you to Brandon, one of the patrons discovered his love for The Titanic and brought him some books. In return, Brandon wrote a Thank You card for her to showcase his deep appreciation for the gift. Thank you, Brandon, for taking five minutes to make an impact and creating your legacy every...

Post date: Saturday, June 9, 2018 - 9:18pm

The classroom door creaks open slowly, and the expectant faces of the kindergarten and first-grade students turn towards the door with barely contained excitement as they look to see who will be reading to them. As the company volunteer enters the classroom, the buzzing of anticipation bubbles up and overflows as they watch men and women in their work uniforms, suits, and dresses make their way towards the reading carpet.

The animated faces of the volunteers regale the children with laughter and enthusiasm as they read each story and encourage the children to join in on the fun....

Post date: Friday, May 4, 2018 - 12:48pm

Thanks to the Supporting Community Partners of United Way of Western Connecticut’s (UWWC) Financial Opportunity Center (FOC), we are able to offer programs to help households understand their finances and create budgets, start saving, reduce debt, build assets and plan for the future.

UWWC’s FOC empowers individuals and families in Western Connecticut to take the necessary steps to become financially stable. For too many families in our communities, the reality of living paycheck-to-paycheck despite working full-time (or multiple jobs) is that these individuals and families have...

Post date: Friday, April 27, 2018 - 1:18pm

Elizabeth is a real Western Connecticut resident who wants her story told. She is one of thousands of people United Way of Western CT (UWWC) is dedicated to: hard-working, struggling households that we call ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). She is an established digital media professional who has"worked in and paid taxes in the great state of Connecticut since I was 15 years old," she says.

“All of my money is spent, right out the door as soon as it comes in, so that we have a roof over our heads, utilities and coverage for...

Post date: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - 3:15pm

Praxair employees assembled literacy kits to benefit first graders at South Street School, celebrate Dr. King’s legacy

The United Way of Western Connecticut is proud to announce that it partnered with Praxair, Inc. to orchestrate an in-house volunteer activity to acknowledge and celebrate the meaning of service on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, ahead of Black History Month.

The project involved numerous Praxair employees on January 15, 2018, assembling 100 literacy kits to benefit first grade students at South Street School in Danbury, thereby...

Post date: Friday, February 16, 2018 - 2:06pm

January is National Blood Donor Month

We received a notice from the Connecticut Blood Center and the American Red Cross that blood donations are critically needed, in light of shortages resulting from the severe weather last week.

In Connecticut, 13 blood drives were forced to cancel due to last week’s winter storm, causing 339 donations to go uncollected. Uncollected donations can mean the difference between life and death: every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.

While all blood types are urgently needed, there is a more critical need for the following...

Post date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 3:36pm

On Saturday November 4th the Woman’s Club of Greater New Milford and the United Way of Western CT Greater New Milford office will hold its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive on the New Milford Green. Once again we are asking residents to help us “Stuff the Gazebo” with donations of frozen turkeys and canned goods.

The collection of food will run from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at bandstand on the New Milford Green.

Each year the Woman’s Club of Greater New Milford and Greater New Milford office of United Way join together to provide a complete Thanksgiving meal for over 250 New Milford...

Post date: Saturday, October 21, 2017 - 12:29am
